4 Effective Ways to Prevent Hair Loss

4 Effective Ways to Prevent Hair Loss

Hair loss can have psychological effects as well, impacting the self-confidence and personality of an individual. Usually, the life span of a hair strand ranges from 2-5 years, but pregnancy, side-effects of certain medications, pollution, and stress can lead to premature hair fall. This causes bald spots or patchiness, but the following hair loss prevention tips for men and women can help in such cases:

Use a mild shampoo
Use a mild, natural ingredients-based shampoo once or twice a week to clean the excess oil and dirt from the scalp. It’s advisable to conduct a patch test if you’re using a new product to ensure that it suits you and doesn’t add to your woes instead. An unsuitable shampoo with harsh ingredients can drain off the natural oil and fatty acids from the scalp in a single use. Also, refrain from switching brands frequently, and always go through the ingredient list before opting for a new product.

Oil your hair regularly
Oiling your hair regularly is an excellent tip for hair loss prevention for both men and women. Studies have proved that coconut, olive, and jojoba oils nourish the scalp and prevent premature hair fall. Coconut oil contains lauric acid, which helps bind the protein in hair strands and prevents breakage. It also promotes blood flow so that the hair roots receive the necessary nourishment. Olive oil penetrates deep into the hair follicles and arrests genetic hair loss. Before applying the oil, brush your hair thoroughly to remove tangles and knots. Then, pour a spoonful of oil on your palm and gently massage it onto the scalp.

Use essential oils
Using essential oils is another effective hair loss prevention tip for both men and women. Experts recommend the application of lavender, rosemary, peppermint, Chinese hibiscus, or cedarwood essential oils to prevent hair loss due to alopecia areata (a condition in which hair starts falling in small patches). However, essential oils are highly concentrated products, so do not forget to dilute them with a suitable carrier oil before applying. Coconut, jojoba, and grapeseed oils are safe and beneficial carrier oils. Add 2-3 drops of the preferred essential oil to a small bowl of carrier oil and gently massage it onto your scalp. Leave it on for 10 minutes before shampooing it off.

Switch to a healthy diet
Consumption of a healthy diet is essential for maintaining scalp health and preventing hair loss. Try out a Mediterranean diet that contains a copious dose of fresh vegetables and herbs like parsley, basil, and olives to reduce the risk of androgenic alopecia. Another study pointed out that the consumption of a protein-rich diet helps build keratin and strengthens the hair. You can include nuts, beans, eggs, fish, chicken, and turkey in your regular diet for optimal hair health.

These tips for hair loss prevention for men and women can help you achieve healthy hair growth and keep it nourished.