4 Popular and Effective Contraception Methods

4 Popular and Effective Contraception Methods

Family planning is a crucial decision for couples, and birth control methods can help prevent unwanted pregnancies. Different birth control methods work in different ways, and no single method is suitable for all, so it’s advisable to be aware of the options and understand which one is suitable. This can ensure safety and also provide effective results. Here’s a list of a few effective modes of birth control one can consider:

Short-acting hormonal contraception
Short-acting hormonal contraception methods work by adjusting the natural estrogen and progesterone levels in a woman’s body to prevent pregnancy. Among these effective modes of birth control are pills that can be taken every day and vaginal rings that can be changed every month. Hormonal birth control methods are about 95% effective and can also ease menstrual pain.

Long-term contraception
If one wants an effective mode of birth control that can keep them anxiety-free for a long time to come, Intrauterine Device (IUD) is an ideal option. An IUD is inserted into a woman’s uterus, and the implant works by adjusting the body’s progestin levels over a period of 3-10 years. IUDs are great options because they are easy to implant and effective for longer. Also, they are reversible contraceptives and can be removed if the woman wishes to conceive.

One-time barrier contraception
One-time barrier contraceptive methods include those that create a physical barrier during sexual intercourse, preventing the sperm from reaching the egg. The modes include spermicidal processes, condoms, sponges, cervical caps, and diaphragms. These modes of birth control do not require any invasive procedure or a prescription. They are easily available over the counter at medical stores, but they are effective only if used correctly. One can use a single barrier method or combine it with another for greater effectiveness. These methods of contraception are about 71% to 88% effective.

Emergency contraception
If one has sex without using birth control or the primary birth control method fails, emergency contraception can be effective in preventing an unwanted pregnancy. Emergency birth control methods include two types of pills as well as copper IUDs. Regardless of the method one chooses, they should use emergency contraception as soon as possible for it to be effective. Also, one must understand that emergency contraception isn’t meant to be the primary birth control method. It is only a backup in case something doesn’t go as planned.

These effective modes of birth control can help couples plan a family and prevent an unwanted pregnancy that might cause serious health complications for both the baby and the to-be mother.