5 Beneficial Foods for Asthmatics

5 Beneficial Foods for Asthmatics

Dietary habits have a vital role to play in managing asthma, as the disease cannot be cured completely, and treatment can only keep the symptoms at bay. For this, eating the right kind of foods, especially healthy fats, is of immense importance. Here are some of the foods that help manage asthma and are highly recommended for an asthma-friendly diet, for patients both young and old:

Flax seeds
Flax seeds are great sources of anti-inflammatory, omega-3 fatty acids. As such, ground flax seeds are extremely rich in nutrients and are among the top foods that help manage asthma. If wondering how to include them in the diet, one can grind the seeds and add one or two teaspoons of the powder to the smoothies, cereals, or salads. These can be savored both hot and cold for both taste and health.

Any foods that can fight inflammation are beneficial for people with asthma, and berries are nutrient-rich in this respect. Almost all types of berries are a perfect mix of fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins. One should ideally include berries like blueberries, blackberries, and cherries in their regular diet to improve the symptoms. The more the variety of berries, the wider the range of antioxidants they will consume.

Speaking of the foods that help manage asthma, beans are important for the development of healthy gut microbiomes. Now, the good part is that these beneficial microbes stay in the digestive tract for long and reduce the symptoms of inflammatory diseases like asthma. Consuming merely half a cup of beans every day is crucial for both young and adult asthma patients.

Ginger is quite effective in relieving asthma symptoms, primarily because it contains certain components that relax the airways of the lungs. One doesn’t need to worry about how to consume ginger, as it is a versatile spice. One can add some fresh ginger root to a stir-fried vegetable and pour it over some wild rice to enhance the taste of a meal.

Spinach is one of the most important foods that help manage asthma. This leafy green vegetable is not only rich in vitamins and minerals, but it also contains folate, which is especially important for people with asthma. In fact, researchers found that children with a deficiency of vitamin D and folate were more likely to experience moderate to severe asthma attacks than those who have enough of both the nutrients. One can prepare spinach rolls with tomatoes, which are also beneficial for asthma patients. If one loves spinach, they can also incorporate it in various other recipes.

These foods help manage asthmatic symptoms to a significant extent, preventing flare-ups and helping patients lead a quality life in the long run.