5 Effective Ways to Treat Dry Eyes at Home

5 Effective Ways to Treat Dry Eyes at Home

Dry eyes develop when the tear glands fail to secrete a sufficient quantity of tears to moisten the eyes. People witnessing this syndrome complain of a scratchy painful sensation in the eyes, redness, light sensitivity, blurred vision, and generation of mucus around the eyes. The condition leads to irritating symptoms and may develop as a side effect of certain medications or due to prolonged use of contact lenses. You can consider these home remedies for dry eyes:

Warm compresses
Warm compresses are tried-and-tested home remedies for dry eyes In this condition, the eyelids turn flaky and inflamed due to an infection in tear glands. To soothe the irritation, you can use a warm compress over the area. Clean the eyes with lukewarm water and then spread a warm cloth to reduce inflammation. The heat generated by the warm cloth stimulates the tear glands to produce enough tears to moisten the eyes. In most cases, it reduces swelling after using it a few times.

Stay hydrated
Since dry eyes are a result of decreased tear production, enhancing water intake provides relief within a few hours. It’s true that all body organs require a sufficient quantity of water to stay healthy and nourished, and the eyes are no different. Drink at least 10 glasses of water daily to cleanse your system and eliminate toxins from the body. You can also opt for water-rich fruits and vegetables like cucumber, watermelon, and tomato if plain water appears dull, but water is preferable.

Blink frequently
Make it a habit to blink regularly to exercise the eyes and stimulate the tear glands. This is one of the easiest home remedies for dry eyes .  You can follow the 20/20 rule and close your eyes for 20 seconds every 20 minutes to provide them rest from continuous exposure to screens. Along with regular blinking, adjusting the screen below the eye level and reducing the brightness also offer relief to strained eyes.

Ensure adequate intake of vitamins
It is essential to consume sufficient quantity vitamins A, B12, and D for maintaining eye health. You can source opt for foods like cod liver oil, tuna, sardines, lamb and beef liver, salmon, butter, goat cheese, and fortified cereals for these vitamins. Also, a convenient and natural way of nourishing the body with vitamin D is through regulated sun exposure. You can work out in an open area in the morning to gain the required dose of vitamin D.

Washing eyelids and lashes regularly
Ophthalmologists recommend washing the eyes with lukewarm water regularly. This is especially beneficial for dry eyes, as rinsing cleanses dust and pus. You can also introduce a drop of a preservative-free eyelid cleanser to a mug of water to wash them.

These tips and home remedies for dry eyes can help alleviate the pain and irritation associated with eye infections.