5 Essential Routine Tips to Help Maintain Sobriety

5 Essential Routine Tips to Help Maintain Sobriety

Deciding to stay sober is quite a big step. One has taken the first step toward a healthier lifestyle. However, sticking to the decision is a bigger challenge. Such people must do everything they can to avoid a relapse. Here are some lifestyle tips for alcohol and substance abuse that will help avoid reverting to old habits.

Build a Support System
This is one of the biggest and most important lifestyle tips for alcohol and substance abuse. A support system will help one stay strong during hard times. This can be in the form of friends, family, or even a therapist or counselor. Many people opt for online and offline support systems that include people who are going through the same challenges.

Identify the Triggers
There are certain triggers in life that may have caused the person to use substances or get addicted to alcohol in the first place. When these triggers surface back, it can be very difficult to beat them without falling into a relapse. Identifying triggers and creating a plan in advance to avoid them are essential lifestyle tips for alcohol and substance abuse. Some common triggers noted by people with a substance abuse problem are:

  • Emotional stress
  • Relationship problems
  • Work stress
  • A particular environment that causes craving

Find a Passionate Hobby or Activity
Urges can last for a couple of minutes, but these can trigger a relapse quite quickly. To prevent the mind from focusing too much on urges, one must start finding a hobby or a passion that they can hold on to. One can can learn something new during the withdrawal phase or take up a physical sport that they gave up long back. Focusing the mind on something else to care about is one of the biggest lifestyle tips for alcohol and substance abuse.

Stay Physically Active
One needs to get outdoors and start enjoying the withdrawal phase doing things they were not able to do before. Many people start a new physical workout regime that helps them stay sober without going into relapses. Others plan trekking trips and biking adventures with friends and family to get away from temptations and other unwanted thoughts.

Practice Healthy Living
Changing general lifestyle for the better is also among the lifestyle tips for alcohol and substance abuse prevention. As life gets more meaningful, satisfying, and fuller, one will start enjoying the feeling of sobriety. Some activities to consider are

  • Meditation
  • Eating healthy, wholesome meals
  • Staying active
  • Creating meaningful relationships
  • Getting sufficient sleep every day

All these lifestyle tips for alcohol and substance abuse will assist one to enjoy the period of sobriety and will keep them away from the many unwanted cravings and temptations. People can always take professional help during this period if they are worried about triggers that can cause a relapse.