6 Tips to Prevent the Onset of Melanoma

6 Tips to Prevent the Onset of Melanoma

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that is commonly seen in the country. It is also highly preventable. The most well-known cause of melanoma is the over-exposure to the harmful radiation of the sun. Hence, listed below are some of the prevention tips for melanoma.

  • Use sunscreen
    Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB rays. The sunscreen you choose should have a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30. If you are sweating or by the pool or at the beach, you should try to use a water-resistant sunscreen or re-apply your sunscreen every 1-2 hours. Sunscreen should be applied before you step out of the house, regardless of the season or climate. An ounce of sunscreen should be applied to the entire body 30 minutes before stepping out.
  • Avoid the sun at its peak
    If possible, limit your outdoor activities and stay indoors between 10 am and 4 pm. If you have to go out, stay in the shade, especially at midday, as it is at this time that the harmful radiation from the sun is at its peak.
  • Wear protective clothing
    If you have to go out in the sun or are working in the garden, wear protective clothing such as a broad-brimmed hat and sunglasses that offer UV protection. Make sure you cover the exposed parts of your body from the sun as much as possible.
  • Prevent sunburn
    Children too should use sunscreen as their tender skin is vulnerable to damage and sunburn. You can use sunscreen even on babies above six months. If you have any queries, you can check with your pediatrician. Research has found that bad sunburns in childhood double your risk of developing melanoma in later life.

A few other prevention tips for melanoma are:

  • Tanning beds
    Avoiding the use of tanning beds is one of the most important prevention tips for melanoma. According to studies, the use of indoor tanning can increase the risk of this type of cancer by up to 75%. Also, this cancer is most often diagnosed in young adults and women. Doctors believe that this could be due to the use of tanning beds or sun lamps.
  • Consult a dermatologist
    Examine your skin every month for any changes in moles or freckles. If you notice any unusual changes or pigmentation on your skin, you should visit your dermatologist at the earliest. Changes in moles or other skin changes are usually the first signs of melanoma and other skin cancer. A thorough skin examination by a professional is recommended at least once a year.

In addition to these prevention tips for melanoma, being aware of its signs and symptoms can help with early detection for successful treatment.