7 Essential Hot Tub Safety Tips

7 Essential Hot Tub Safety Tips

You must be looking forward to relaxing and unwinding after a tiring day in your newly installed hot tub. However, before you step into your hot tube here are some safety tips when using a hot tub that you should keep in mind.

Keep an Eye on the Kids
You should never let small children use the hot tub without adult supervision. This is one of the most vital safety tips when using a hot tub. You must make using the hot tub a family experience or ensure you join them in the tub. When not in use, it’s important ensure that the tub is securely and firmly covered.

Reduce the Heat
Even though soaking in warm or hot water may sound relaxing, remaining in water that is more than 102°F for a long time can raise your body temperature to dangerous levels. Hence, you should spend about 15 minutes in the hot tub if you wish to relax in the warm water longer then make sure the water is not too hot.

Consult your Doctor
People with health conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes should check with their doctor whether it is safe for them to use a hot tub. As not only can the hot water raise body temperature, the effects of certain prescription medications can get amplified. Pregnant women should also consult their doctor as to whether it is safe for them to use a hot tub.

Limit Alcohol Intake
Relaxing in the hot tub with a glass of wine or a cold beer might seem tempting. But you need to keep in mind that warm water can increase the effects of alcohol. Thus, one of the good safety tips when using a hot tub to follow would be to limit the intake of alcohol or sip on water or juice instead.

Tie Long Hair
You must keep your head above water and ensure that long hair is tightly tied. Hot tubs come with powerful pumps and drains that have a powerful suction. Hence, to prevent long hair from getting caught in the suction and to avoid any mishaps, it’s advisable to keep your head above water.

Avoid Injuries
Another of the useful safety tips when using a hot tub to keep in mind is to always be careful when getting in and out of the hot tub as the area around the hot tub can get wet and slippery. You should ensure that proper anti-slip flooring and handrails are installed to minimize the risk of falls and slips. Also, it’s vital that children too are aware of the importance of always walking and not running at the edge of the hot tub.

Keeping the Hot Tub Clean
Warm and damp surfaces can be the best places for bacteria, fungus and other harmful microorganisms to breed. These can most often cause diseases and infections. Hence, keeping your hot tub clean and the water chemically balanced is important.

Following these safety tips when using a hot tub will ensure that there are no accidents or mishaps when you are looking to relax and unwind.