Foods to Avoid for ADHD Patients

Foods to Avoid for ADHD Patients

ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a condition in which an individual experiences hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsive behavior. Once diagnosed correctly, it sticks with you for a lifetime and makes it difficult to perform basic everyday tasks. However, by consuming a well-balanced diet, and by avoiding certain foods, the condition can be improved. So, listed below are the foods to avoid with ADHD that can help reduce the symptoms.

  • Packaged foods
    Packaged foods have a higher content of preservatives that are particularly bad for individuals with ADHD. Along with this, they contain an increased amount of sugar and other additives that can harm their health. Also, such patients have trouble absorbing vitamins and generally require a higher intake of nutrients.
  • Red meats
    Red meats are on the top of the list of foods to avoid with ADHD. Some studies suggest that red meat can aggravate the symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsiveness. If you frequently consume meat, then it is better to switch to white meats to reduce the negative impact of the excessive consumption of red meat.
  • Ice-cream
    Some of the people with ADHD are allergic to dairy. In case, you feel tired, dizzy, or suffer any stomach sensitivity after consuming ice-cream, it is better to avoid it and other dairy products. Also, ice-creams have high sugar content, which can increase the symptoms of this disorder.
  • Trans-fat
    Among various foods to avoid with ADHD, trans-fats are the worst as they can cause severe damage in numerous ways. For someone with ADHD, they can be extremely dangerous as they interfere with the nerves’ functioning. This disease already makes it difficult to control the nerve impulses, and adding trans-fat on the top of it can worsen the situation.
  • Frozen fruits and veggies
    Although fruits and vegetables are considered the best for ADHD patients, some brands use artificial colors and chemicals that can cause neurological based-behavioral problems. Therefore, it is better to rely on fresh fruits and vegetables for their nutritional content.
  • Energy drinks
    The foods to avoid with ADHD also include energy drinks, as they are loaded with artificial sweeteners, sugar, preservatives, and food dyes. Drinking them can cause sudden mood swings and can increase your struggle with impulsivity and attention. Instead, to keep the body hydrated, it is better to consume water and herbal tea.
  • Fish and seafood
    Consuming fish and seafood that contain traces of mercury can increase the symptoms of ADHD in the long run, as mercury is considered like cellulose, which, if not digested properly, can accumulate in the brain. Some of the worst varieties to consume are shark, mackerel, swordfish, and tilefish.

Although ADHD is a genetic disorder, the kind of food you eat can make all the difference in the symptoms experienced by you. By altogether avoiding the foods that trigger or worsen your symptoms, you can lead a healthier life.