Dietary Tips for Ulcerative Colitis Patients

Dietary Tips for Ulcerative Colitis Patients

Ulcerative Colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease that inflames the lining of the large intestine. The aggravating condition causes painful ulcers on the colon. Certain foods and dietary patterns can help to alleviate the symptoms of this disease, whereas others can make them worse. In this article, we will understand some helpful eating tips for people with ulcerative colitis, that can help them manage the condition.

  • Fish and lean meats are the best foods: A lot of people think that fatty foods contain chemical mediators that can worsen the symptoms of an inflammatory disease. While this is true to some extent, there are some good fats that can help in treating inflammatory conditions. High-protein sources such as fish, turkey, and skinless chicken are great to reduce inflammation in the body. These foods contain omega-3 fatty acids that helps lessen the severity of the condition.
  • Cook your veggies properly: Raw food items and fruits can be little hard to digest for individuals with UC. Such foods can also cause gas, bloating, and stomach pain. Thus, it is important to cook your food properly to avoid aggravating the symptoms. Also, it is advisable to have peeled fruits as opposed to unpeeled ones.
  • Opt for bland foods: Spicy and peppery foods can further provoke an already sensitive colon. So, it is better to consume bland foods, especially during a flare-up. The best foods include avocados, potatoes, bananas, sourdough bread, and pasta.
  • Eat smaller meals: This is one of the most important eating tips for people with UC. Those with active UC symptoms must consume small meals frequently and eat slowly to avoid putting too much pressure on the gastrointestinal system. A daily routine that includes six meals instead of three full-sized ones must be preferred to avoid flare-ups.
  • Maintain a food journal: This is also helpful for people battling from UC. Keeping a track of how a specific food or meal makes you feel is helpful to avoid the harmful foods. A journal will assist you to find out what is right for you and what intensifies your symptoms.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine: According to many studies, both alcohol and coffee are gastric irritants. The two can exasperate your symptoms by increasing inflammation. Thus, it is important to eliminate the two from the diet completely. One must also avoid carbonated drinks as they can cause gas and bloating.
  • Keep processed foods to a minimum: This is another one of the helpful eating tips for people with UC. Processed food items contain emulsifiers to increase their shelf life. These products can cause inflammation in the gut. Besides, one must also avoid artificially-flavored sugar-free food items to keep the symptoms at bay.

These are some of the most important dietary tips for people with UC. Apart from these, you can talk to your medical practitioner to identify the dietary patterns that may work for your body.