Foods to Avoid with Sleep Apnea

Foods to Avoid with Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea is an ailment that causes breathing to stop for short intervals while sleeping. If left untreated, the condition can cause multiple serious health issues, including cardiovascular illness and high blood pressure. The treatment of the condition also requires you to make changes in your diet and eliminate foods that trigger it. Here the list of foods to avoid for sleep apnea:

High-fat meats
Keeping your weight under check and avoiding foods that have a high amount of fat like beef and pork, are the key to reducing this disorder. Additionally, eliminating foods like burgers, steaks, and sausages is also important, as these foods are rich in saturated fats, which causes inflammation.

In the list of foods to avoid for sleep apnea, bananas are the most important. This is because the fruit elevates the creation of mucus in the throat and mouth that can cause blockage along the respiratory tract, leading to difficulty in breathing.

Caffeinated drinks
The use of caffeinated drinks is also included among the foods to avoid for sleep apnea . This is for the fact that a high amount of caffeine causes sleeplessness among people and lower their overall sleep timing. Avoiding beverages like tea, coffee, and other caffeinated drinks at night can help manage the problem and lower the symptoms.

Spicy foods
There are a variety of hot spices like chilies and garlic added to the food to make it tasty. However, people with sleep apnea should avoid these as spices tend to increase body temperature and cause heartburn, leading to sleeping problems. Furthermore, eating just before sleeping or overeating should also be avoided to keep the problem under check.

Fiber-rich foods
There are certain vegetables like broccoli and cabbage that are rich in fiber. When you consume these veggies just before bedtime, your sleep is likely to be affected because it is not easy to digest them. The high-fiber content can also cause bloating. Additionally, vegetables that have a high content of water like celery and cucumber also belong to the list of foods to avoid for sleep apnea.

Cream and cheese
The intake of high-fat dairy items like cream, whole milk, and cheese leads to overproduction of mucus in the body, which causes trouble in breathing. Additionally, the consumption of these foods also leads to weight gain and consequent increase in the symptoms of the sleep disorder.

A night of restful sleep is the key to keeping your body healthy. By adopting these changes in your diet and avoiding foods that can trigger the symptoms, you can easily manage sleep apnea. Seek the help of a doctor if the condition becomes worse.