Foods to Eat and Avoid with Gout

Foods to Eat and Avoid with Gout

Gout is a type of painful arthritis that occurs when excess uric acid builds up and crystallizes in the joints. In this condition, it is generally advised to steer clear of the foods that are rich in purine, a compound that triggers flare-ups. A gout-friendly diet may not cure the disease, but it can reduce the symptoms. So, listed below are the dietary tips for gout that you can follow.

  • Alkaline foods
    Many doctors recommend an alkaline diet for gout, as the alkaline foods are known to neutralize and prevent the formation of excessive uric acid in the body. Therefore, you must consume alkalizing foods such as fresh fruits and veggies, including asparagus, sprouts, broccoli, and various citrus fruits.
  • Food rich in vitamin C
    The dietary tips for gout also suggest consuming vitamin C. As the studies indicate that a diet rich in vitamin C aids in combating the high uric acid present in your body. Hence, you must consider increasing your intake of citrus fruits like lemon, oranges, and tangerines. Along with this, it is advised to drink lemon water after every meal to neutralize the acid and improve the digestion.
  • Increase your intake of low purine foods
    Your body already produces purine, and if you consume high purine foods, then you are increasing the risk of suffering a severe gout attack. So, it is better to prevent the gout attack by consuming foods like sweet potatoes, carrots, potatoes, and various root veggies as they are low in purine.
  • Avoid red meat
    The long list of dietary tips for gout also advises the complete elimination of red meat. All the red meats, including beef and ham, are known to cause gout flare-ups. Instead, you can replace them with chicken and other white meats, that are generally low in purine. Most importantly, it is always better to opt for lean cuts of meat to prevent weight gain, as it also increases the risk of gout.
  • Low-fat dairy
    High-fat milk products are linked with weight gain, and they trigger the gout attacks. On the other hand, low-fat dairy products like skim milk, low-fat cheese, and low-fat yogurt contain certain compounds that can reduce the body’s inflammatory response of the body. Moreover, low-fat dairy can also be considered as a healthier alternative to red meats.
  • Eliminate added sugar products
    Among the various dietary tips for gout, the added sugar is an absolute no-no. Refined sugar, sodas, and store-bought juices are a prime source of gout triggers. Instead of satisfying your sweet cravings with high fructose fruits and beverages, you should rather consume fruits that are naturally sweet and have low fructose such as banana, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, and oranges.

If you are battling gout, it is important to follow a gout-friendly diet to ease the symptoms. By following the above-mentioned dietary tips for gout, you can observe a significant change in your overall condition.