Natural Remedies to Beat Dry Eyes

Natural Remedies to Beat Dry Eyes

The issue of dry eyes is also referred to as dry eye syndrome, and it mainly occurs when the eyes cannot produce enough tears that can lubricate the eyeballs. The factors that lead to this common condition can be many like environmental reasons, some medications, or some pre-existing health conditions. You can try some alternative treatments for dry eyes to experience relief from this condition.

  • Blink frequently
    Deliberate blinking can be of great help when it comes to solving the issue of dry eyes. Blinking not only promotes good health of the eyes, but it also opens up the eye glands. Blinking more frequently can retain the much-needed moisture in the eyes.
  • Wash the eyelids and lashes gently
    Maintaining cleanliness is an answer to many health issues. Thus, you must remember to wash the eyelids and lashes too, when you wash your face. It is also essential to remove all the makeup at the end of the day since that cannot be good for the eyes.
  • Ample rest for the eyes
    This can be one of the important alternative treatments for dry eyes. Nowadays, most of the time is spent staring at the laptop, smartphone, or tablet screens. Screens of laptops, smartphones, and tablets can be irritating for the eyes and, therefore, it is crucial to give your eyes some rest at regular intervals.
  • Get proper and enough sleep
    Lack of sleep invites a lot of health problems, and dry eyes is indeed one of them. Getting inadequate sleep results in robbing your eyes off the rest, and that is not a good thing. Seven to eight hours of sound sleep is what you need every night.
  • Water is your best bet
    Drinking a lot of water in a day is probably one of the simplest alternative treatments for dry eyes. The water helps in lubricating the eyes, and this lubrication aids the eyes in producing enough tears. If you do not drink enough water, then the eyes are unable to get rid of the debris, plus they cannot blink comfortably, and it can also lead to strained vision.
  • A proper and healthy diet
    Adding some nutrients in the food you consume can also help in dealing with dry eyes. Omega 3 oils are known to improve the functioning of the eye glands that make tears. Omega 3 fatty acids can be found in foods like walnuts, chia seeds, fish oil supplements, salmon, tuna, and soya bean oil.

The above-mentioned alternative treatments for dry eyes can be followed conveniently, and adding them in your routine can bring along a lot of positive changes in your eye health. It has to be noted that these treatments can cater to mild symptoms, but if your signs remain, then it is recommended to seek medical assistance.