Foods to Help Manage Multiple Sclerosis

Foods to Help Manage Multiple Sclerosis

When the immune system attacks its very own central nervous system mistakenly, the condition is addressed by the term multiple sclerosis. This medical condition has no known cure, but there are several treatments and dietary changes that people can adopt to get some relief. Further are some foods to eat for multiple sclerosis that are nutritious and comforting for this ailment.

  • Unprocessed meats
    If you include non-vegetarian foods in your diet, then it is advisable to choose unprocessed meats in your diet and avoid choices like cured meats, sausages, and cold cuts.
  • Foods with vitamin D
    Low levels of vitamin D have come forth as one of the common factors in people suffering from MS. Therefore, you can focus on foods that are a rich source of V=vitamin D, such as egg yolks, orange juice, salmon, and tuna. Getting enough sunlight is one of the main ways to soak in vitamin D. Some medical experts can also suggest consuming vitamin supplements.
  • Fish with adequate fats
    Fish is one of the several foods to eat for multiple sclerosis. Since fatty fish such as trout, tuna, salmon, and sardines are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids, they can help in controlling the condition of MS in people. These foods are known to reduce the problem of inflammation, which is also good for the body.
  • Whole grains
    Food options like brown rice, oats, and quinoa come under the category of whole grains, and they can improve the levels of fiber in your body, plus maintain the levels of blood sugar and keep them stable.
  • Lots of veggies
    Vegetables are packed with nutrients, and especially green leafy vegetables can keep the symptoms of MS in proper control and prevent the issue of relapse. Thus, foods to eat for multiple sclerosis include items like broccoli, kale, spinach, and cabbage. These veggies have an ample amount of fiber in them, plus they keep the sugar levels in check.
  • Fresh fruits
    A plethora of antioxidants and micronutrients can be obtained by eating a lot of fresh fruits like berries and kiwi. Banana, for instance, is a good source of magnesium, and studies have revealed that lack of magnesium can lead to an increase in symptoms of MS. Oxidative stress is also known for increasing the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, and antioxidants in fruits can prevent such scenarios.
  • Turmeric
    Inflammation is one of the common symptoms that can be associated with MS. Curcumin present in turmeric is known to fight inflammation in the body, and that is why it can help people with MS.

The list of foods to eat for multiple sclerosis has different kinds of foods, and most of them are easy to include in your diet. They not only help with keeping the ailment in control but also improve the overall health.