Kidney Cancer Symptoms and  Major Risk Factors

Kidney Cancer Symptoms and Major Risk Factors

Kidney cancer is among the top 10 most common types of cancer that occur in both men and women. Kidney cancer, or renal cell carcinoma (RCC), is categorized into four stages on the basis of tumor size, the metastasis that occurs, etc. Knowing the risk factors for kidney cancer is helpful in obtaining timely treatment. Earlier the kidney cancer stage, better is the five-year survival rate.

Here are the top risk factors for kidney cancer:

This is one of the most common risk factors when it comes to RCC. Keeping a check on your waistline and monitoring your body mass index are very important steps. People who are overweight might often see the grave consequences of elevated estrogen levels. The insulin-like-growth factor increases in obese individuals and sometimes leads to cancerous growth. Insulin resistance, which is a common condition in several adults with obesity might, therefore, increase the risk of RCC.

Cigarette smoking is a habit that increases the risk of kidney cancer. Even in people with healthy body weight, smoking can lead to an increased risk of RCC. The severity of the smoking habit and the number of years for which the person has been smoking can also determine the level of risk. Giving up the habit can drastically lower the risks of RCC.

For both men and women, when high blood pressure is left unaddressed for a long time, it can turn out to be one of the most serious risk factors for kidney cancer. There are a variety of conditions that can be triggered by hypertension, so management of stress is instrumental here.

RCC might be one of the most common types of cancers, but it is not often observed in people less than 45 years of age. Older people are more prone to kidney cancer. If the person had been a smoker from a young age, the chances are higher and so is the case if the person is obese. Older people with kidney problems and those who have been receiving dialysis should be extra cautious.

Genetic Factors
Kidney cancer might also be an issue inherited in the genes. Some of the symptoms of RCC are not noticeable. But people who have a family history of this type of cancer should pay careful attention to their kidney health.

Other factors
Men are at higher risk of kidney cancer than women. Prolonged exposure to trichloroethylene can also increase the risk of this cancer. Besides exposure to certain harmful substances, the regular intake of certain medications like acetaminophen can also add to the risk factors. Analyzing a combination of these factors would give an early indication of an impending issue.

Understanding the risk factors for kidney cancer is useful in taking steps to mitigate the risks. This can prevent RCC or even turn out to be helpful in addressing the issue before the tumor grows in size or starts spreading to the other cells and tissues.