14 Early Signs for Asthma

14 Early Signs for Asthma

Asthma, unfortunately, has become quite common in people these days. When a person gets an asthma attack, the airways tend to swell, and inflammation occurs. Muscles surrounding the airways face contraction, and extra mucus is produced, which results in the narrowing of the breathing tubes. When one is careful about the early warning signs of asthma, there are chances of preventing such attacks.

  • Physical and emotional changes
    It has to be noted that early warning signs of asthma can be both behavioral and physical. Thus, it is important to keep an eye out for both.
  • Feeling restless
    One of the common emotional changes that you can notice before an attack is the recurring sense of restlessness.
  • Lack of sound sleep
    Sleep cycles can answer many health-related queries. If you are not sleeping well for some days, then it can be an alarm for forthcoming asthma issues.
  • Runny nose
    Congested or stuffy nose can be yet another early symptom to keep a check on.
  • Scratchy throat
    If you have a sore throat along with other signs, then it could be an onset of an asthma attack, and you should not ignore it.
  • Feeling exhausted
    If you experience a lack of energy even when you have not done much physical activity or exercise, then it can be one of the several early warning signs of asthma.
  • Itchy chin and watery eyes
    If you have the feeling of scratching the neck or chin on frequent intervals or have itchy eyes, then that could be an early symptom of asthma.
  • Fever
    If you have a fever or feeling feverish, then that could be taken as a signal as well.
  • Dry mouth
    When the throat feels dry, or you have a different or hoarse voice, then do not ignore it.
  • Difficulty in speaking
    The body shows several signs to alert you in case of an oncoming asthma attack. For instance, if someone has difficulty in completing their sentences while talking, then that could be taken as one of the warning signs.
  • Headache
    Frequent headaches, along with several above-mentioned symptoms, can be a cause for an asthma attack.
  • Tight chest
    Feeling of tightness in the chest or having pain in the chest is some other warning signs to look out for.
  • Anxiety
    If you have been feeling anxious lately without any specific reason, then it should not be taken lightly.
  • Faster heartbeat or excessive excitement
    Considerable changes in emotions and behavior are to be observed so that you do not miss the early signs of asthma.

Early warning signs of asthma can be different for every individual. Therefore, one has to be observant and alert so that proper actions can be taken beforehand, and things do not get out of hand. Asthma attacks can be prevented mostly by smart actions.