Odors That Trigger Migraines

Odors That Trigger Migraines

A migraine is a headache that can vary in terms of intensity and can be accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to either light or sound. Most people recognize a migraine by a pulsing sensation on the temporal sides of their heads. In some cases, a migraine can be triggered by strong odors such as cigarette smoke or perfume fragrances. If you experience frequent migraines, this could mean that you have great sensitivity to most noises, lights, or odors.
The symptoms of migraines vary per individual as each body has a different way of reacting to certain stimuli (a light, noise, or odor). Migraines are non-serious medical conditions and can usually be self-diagnosed based on a few common symptoms. Anyone experiencing migraines may feel a slight pain in the face or neck. This is typically accompanied by nausea or vomiting as well as scalp tenderness and irritability. Most people do not realize that migraines can be prevented by avoiding certain triggers. The best way to do this is by taking precautions in the presence of certain stimuli. Here are a few odors you can avoid to experience less migraine-related symptoms:

1. Food smells
Nose sensitivity, otherwise known as osmophobia, is increased sensitivity to food odor stimuli. When an odor makes you nauseous, there is a high chance that a migraine may follow. Foods with strong odors such as fish, meat, or even asparagus can trigger migraine episodes due to their slightly nauseous odors.

2. Cleaning products
Cleaning products are notorious for containing volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These chemicals are released into the air while using such products and can irritate the nasal passages as you breathe. This irritation can cause mild headaches and therefore, it is best to wear a mask when you are cleaning.

3. Cigarette smoke
Smoking involves the inhalation of nicotine, an addictive chemical, and the main component of cigarettes. Nicotine is also a vasoactive substance, meaning that it may alter the size of blood vessels in your brain. In addition, smoke can irritate your nasal passages and cause allergic reactions, leading directly to a migraine.

4. Alcohol
Alcohol is known as a diuretic, meaning that it causes dehydration and side effects such as diarrhea and constipation. During the consumption of alcoholic beverages, you may begin to experience nausea and strong migraines the following day. One way to avoid this is by limiting your alcoholic beverage consumption.

5. Perfume
Perfumes contain VOCs and can cause inflammation in the nasal passages. Fragrances are quite a common cause of migraines, which is why it is recommended to not use strong perfumes when entering public spaces. It is best to purchase perfumes that use organic fragrances to prevent strong allergic reactions and migraines. These perfumes are specifically marked as organic and can be found in nearly every cosmetic store.