Symptoms of Anemia Not to be Ignored

Symptoms of Anemia Not to be Ignored

Anemia is a condition in which your body does not produce enough red blood cells to carry oxygen to the tissues. There are different forms of anemia, ranging from mild to severe and acute to chronic. Depending on the severity level, the treatment can range from iron supplements to surgeries. To get it diagnosed in time, here is list of the symptoms of anemia that you must know about.

  • Unusual tiredness: The first and the basic symptom of anemia is loss of energy. This is because without adequate oxygen in the blood, the body becomes fatigued. A person at the initial stage of anemia may experience a sudden drop in the energy levels which can affect their daily routine and it may get worse if not treated with proper medications.
  • Abnormal paleness: Paleness of the palms and inside the lower eyelids is one of the common symptoms of anemia. The hemoglobin present in the red blood cells is responsible for the red color of the blood and the vibrancy of the skin. A deficiency of hemoglobin causes the skin to lose its naturally healthy color. Also, it can either remain limited to one area or can be seen all over the body.
  • Shortness of breath: The long list of symptoms of anemia also includes shortness of breath. When the body’s tissues and cells fail to receive adequate oxygen, it becomes difficult to carry out activities such as running and walking. As a result, one can observe an increase in their heartbeat, which also leads to shortness of breath. The lower the iron level gets, the quicker one will experience episodes of shortness of breath.
  • Headache and dizziness: The low level of iron is also linked with lightheadedness or dizziness. When the proper amount of oxygen does not reach the brain, the arteries in the brain expand, allowing more flow of blood which causes headaches. Moreover, if one’s headaches are frequent and recurrent, then it could be iron deficiency.
  • Insomnia: Among various symptoms of anemia, people also report about insomnia. The condition can be the underlying cause of insomnia and other sleep disturbances. Studies show a tremendous improvement in one’s sleep patterns once people with iron-deficiency start taking the iron therapy.
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding: This sign of anemia can be observed in women during menstruation. The most common reason of anemia in women is the development of uterine fibroids. They cause heavy menstrual bleeding, which further leads to extreme weakness in the body.
  • Numbness or tingling: A lack of vitamin B12 in the body or the inability to absorb it can lead to anemia or even nerve damage. This causes numbness, tingling sensations, and coldness in the hands and feet.

In the early stages, anemia can be mild enough for one to not notice the symptoms. But, these worsen as the condition progresses. So, it is advisable to keep a check on the signs and symptoms mentioned in order to receive timely medical attention.