The Benefits of Adopting or Rescuing a Puppy

The Benefits of Adopting or Rescuing a Puppy

So you’ve decided you want a dog—that’s great! But where to start? Well, there are many wonderful dogs that are waiting for their new forever family at your local shelter! By adopting from a shelter, you can not only find a wonderful addition to your family but also help reduce overpopulation and perhaps even give an older dog a loving home, along with many other benefits!

1. Get a fully health screened dog
By adopting a dog from a rescue shelter, you can be sure that your new pup has received a health screening so that you are aware of possible health issues. Often a shelter will also offer assistance with pet care such as spaying or neutering, as well as making sure that they are up to date on their shots.

2. Get the breed you want at a breed specific rescue
Sure, adopting sounds great, but what if you have a specific breed in mind? Fear not—there are breed-specific rescues for any breed you can think of! By seeking out a breed-specific rescue, you will get all the benefits of adopting a rescue dog, but also have access to the extensive knowledge that these breed-specific rescuers can share. They are truly passionate about their breeds and making sure that the dogs find the right match, and can help you find your dream dog!

3. Try it out by fostering first
Not sure if a dog is right for your family? The great news is that many shelters offer foster opportunities. Fostering is when you provide a temporary home for a dog while they are waiting to be adopted. However, know that there is a risk that you will end up falling in love and becoming a “failed foster,” meaning you adopt your foster—still a win-win situation in our book!

4. Fight against puppy mills
Puppy mills are high-volume breeding facilities that are focused solely on profit. They breed dogs as quickly as they can in order to sell puppies, ignoring the health of their dogs. Not only does this lead to overpopulation of dogs, but this quick and profit-driven breeding process can lead to many health problems down the road. By adopting instead of shopping for a dog from a puppy mill, you can help combat this problem and make sure that the many wonderful dogs already in the shelter systems have a chance to get a great home!

5. Lifetime support
When you adopt from a rescue, you are not just getting a new furry friend. You are also gaining a new community and a wonderful support system from your local rescue. Local rescues want to see their adoptees succeed, and are happy to help with any questions you may have.

For these reasons and so many more, please consider checking out your local shelter to adopt your next dog!