The Best and Worst Foods for Hemorrhoids

The Best and Worst Foods for Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a widespread ailment. Veins in the anus and rectum become swollen and inflamed, resulting in pain and sometimes bleeding. Straining and pressure from constipation, pregnancy, or even lifting heavy objects can result in a hemorrhoid flare-up. The good news is that symptoms usually go away in a few days.

A natural hemorrhoid relief is to eat foods high in fiber and limit low fiber foods. When your diet doesn’t have enough fiber, you become constipated and strain to relieve your bowels. Make sure you drink enough water, too. Here are hemorrhoid foods that you should include in your diet and three to avoid or eat sparingly:

1. Legumes
Legumes include beans, peas, and lentils. Whether you chose black beans, navy beans, or chickpeas, they are all high in insoluble fiber, soluble fiber, and resistant starch. These three forms of fiber are essential to healthy elimination and health. Whichever legume you choose, they are a rich source of vitamins and protein, as well as fiber. Use them in chilis, curries, side dishes, and salads.

2. Whole grains
A grain consists of bran, endosperm, and germ. Whole-grain products are made from the entire grain. Products made from refined or white flour are made only from the endosperm and are low in fiber. Not all grains are created equal in terms of fiber. Among the grains with the highest fiber are barley, bulgur wheat, oats, rye, and wheat. To boost the amount of fiber, start your day with oatmeal, make your sandwich with rye or whole wheat bread, and enjoy a barley vegetable soup.

3. Artichokes
These plants are high in fiber, antioxidants, and other nutrients. Although we think of them as vegetables, the artichoke is a member of the thistle family. Available fresh, frozen, or canned, they are a nutrient powerhouse and are easy to incorporate into your diet. Eaten hot or cold, both the leaves and the heart are edible. They may be steamed, roasted, or baked. Include them in dips or stuff them for a boost of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

4. White bread
White bread, which is made from white flour, is low in fiber and may contribute to hemorrhoid flare-ups. Each grain of wheat has a protective bran outer layer, starchy endosperm, and wheat germ. Only the endosperm is used to make white flour. The bran and wheat germ, which are high in fiber and nutrients, are removed. Purchase whole-grain bread instead to increase your fiber intake.

5. Cheese
Cheese and dairy products are delicious and readily available in a variety of forms and textures. It is included in many different dishes that we enjoy every day. We include it on sandwiches, pizza, entrees like lasagna, or simply by itself. While it is delicious, it does not have fiber which is essential to prevent hemorrhoid flare-ups.

6. Red meat
For many, a hearty steak or juicy burger makes the meal. However, these dishes can cause or worsen constipation because they are low in fiber. Serving a generous amount of red meat also limits the amount of high-fiber vegetables and fruits that you eat with your meal.