Herbal Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction

Herbal Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction

Men suffering from erectile dysfunction can consider opting for natural remedies. Herbs have been used in some cultures since ancient times and may help improve sexual performance over time. However, these herbs should be taken after advice from the doctor as some of these herbs have side effects. Read to know about some of the natural herbs for erectile dysfunction.

  • Panax ginseng
    Also known as red ginseng, the root of this Korean herb is known for its ability to treat erectile dysfunction and is referred to as herbal Viagra. It works as an antioxidant, and according to clinical studies, there is an improvement in libido and an increased level of satisfaction.
  • Horny goat weed
    One of the natural herbs for erectile dysfunction is horny goat weed. The leaves of the herb contain substances that help improve sexual performance and have been used for years for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. This herb facilitates erections and ensures a positive effect on sexual performance. It is an excellent ancient Chinese natural remedy for erectile dysfunction in men.
  • Maca
    With this herbal supplement, men can reverse their symptoms of erectile dysfunction. This supplement helps improves the blood flow and is also known to increase semen and sperm count in men. Maca is a root vegetable grown in Central Peru and has long been used as an aphrodisiac offering many other benefits such as improved stamina and energy.
  • Yohimbine
    Yohimbine comes from the bark of an African tree and has been used in treating erectile dysfunction for many years. Studies have shown that this supplement significantly improves erectile function by increasing the blood flow in the penis and stimulating the pelvic nerve offering prolonged erections.
  • Ginkgo biloba
    Ginkgo biloba is also one of the powerful natural herbs for erectile dysfunction. This herbal supplement works by dilating blood vessels so as to promote blood flow to the sexual organs. It is effective in treating erectile dysfunction helping men achieve and maintain an erection. People who take blood thinners or have some kind of bleeding disorder should take this herb only after consultation with the doctor.
  • Mondia whitei
    A medicinal plant from Africa, Mondia whitei is effective in treating the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. It is known for offering an increase in libido and increased testosterone levels in men with substantially improved sexual function.
  • Rhodiola rosea
    This herbal supplement also known as golden root is used to boost endurance and sexual function. It is ideal for men struggling with erectile dysfunction as it offers an improvement in sexual activity.

Men can enhance their sex life by taking any of the natural herbs for erectile dysfunction in recommended doses. Along with herbs, making certain lifestyle changes is also essential to avoid suffering from this medical problem.