Unexpected Foods That Can Trigger a Migraine

Unexpected Foods That Can Trigger a Migraine

Avoiding a migraine depends on identifying the triggers that start a headache. Apart from stress, consuming certain foods can also result in headaches, which may include some of your favorite foods. Migraine triggers vary from person to person, which is why it is essential to determine individual food triggers. Some of the surprising migraine food triggers are mentioned below:

  • Cheese
    It is one of the surprising migraine food triggers for migraine sufferers who are also cheese lovers. Cheese contains a high amount of tyramine, a natural compound that forms in protein-rich foods as they age. Aged cheeses such as Parmesan, Swiss, Blue cheese, Feta, Mozzarella, etc. need to be avoided as consuming them can trigger headaches in some.
  • Alcohol
    For the migraine, alcohol should be cut down or avoided as it is one of the triggers to cause a headache. Red wine, beer, and champagne, in particular, contain certain triggering chemicals that can make your head pound. Migraine attacks occur within a few hours of consuming alcoholic beverages due to increased blood flow to the brain. Also, dehydration caused by the consumption of alcohol can be a migraine trigger.
  • Caffeine
    Daily consuming too much caffeine can cause a migraine, while for some people, small amounts can help their headaches. Caffeine withdrawal can also cause migraines when you go too long without having it. Coffee, sodas, energy drinks, and caffeinated tea are some of the food sources that contain caffeine and may trigger your migraines. Even chocolate, especially dark chocolate, is bad for people suffering from migraines.
  • Yeast
    Other surprising migraine food triggers are yeast products such as baked goods like donuts, cakes, and bread. The presence of tyramine makes it a trigger for migraine attacks. Avoiding the consumption of bread and other foods containing yeast is essential to prevent a headache.
  • Foods containing additives
    Highly processed foods, canned foods, sugar-free, and instant foods contain artificial additives. Foods that contain Monosodium glutamate can cause a headache within twenty minutes of consumption. Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame are also a surprising migraine food trigger for people. Migraine sufferers need to avoid any food or drink that contains aspartame.
  • Nitrates and nitrites
    Chemicals such as nitrates and nitrites are used to preserve foods and are found in many cured and processed meats such as hot dogs, bacon, and ham. Consumption can increase blood flow into the brain leading to a migraine attack.

Watch out for some other common food triggers-

  • Banana
  • Citrus fruits
  • Yogurt
  • Sour cream
  • Avocados
  • Soy sauce
  • Nuts
  • Beans
  • Onions
  • Tomatoes

If you suffer from constant and unexplainable migraine, one, few or all of these surprising migraine food triggers are likely to be the culprits. Start writing the foods you had before a migraine attack to find the potential personal food triggers, which will help you give freedom from migraines.